Monday, 15 October 2007


I used to be slow and inactive,
I soon became over weight,
But I met a man from Herbalife,
It was not a moment to late,
He helped me with a diet,
Advised me on what to do,
I soon began to loose some weight,
I'm so much fitter too,
I swim just once a week,
The walking I enjoy,
And sticking to my diet is what I have to employ,
I soon lost the weight I wanted,
Can walk run and swim,
I feel so much better than before,
I relaxed some of my diet,
Just enough not to put on the weight,
But enjoy my life so much better,
Join Herbalife now why hesitate,

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Country Boy

I am not a rich man,I'm not a rich mans son,
But I love the countryside,and the wealth of things to come,
I see the leaves burst open,in the joyous time of spring,
The sweet song of the birds, as they build their nests and sing,
The fragrance of the flowers,so bright and in full bloom,
The golden autumn woodlands, with leaves that will fall soon,
The crispness of the morning, is it time for frost,
Anothewr year almost over,I think of time I've lost,
Of all the things I didn't do,
Even though I thought I'd tried,
"But one cannot do everything,was the words that were replied.